
It’s Time! A Revival Preparation Message

Revision of Original article by Doug Stringer, November 1996, in advance of 40 Days at Houston Prayer Mountain “When God finds someone with courage to pray, preach, and live a life before Him of holiness and compassion, He can literally change the face of a nation.” (Winkie Pratney, Revival, p. 117) What is required on […]


Salty Christians

SALT COVENANT – SALTY CHRISTIANS by doug stringer   Salt is an essential micronutrient for our bodies. Many of our internal chemical processes are dependent upon the presence of adequate amounts of salt. Without a proper intake of salt, many of our body’s functions would be thrown into utter disarray. Our muscles would start cramping, […]


Jesus, Our Guilt Bearer & Expunger

“Expunge” means to erase or strike out, to eliminate completely, to annihilate. The Sin Offering referred to in the book of Leviticus, is the fourth type of offering described. It depicts Jesus as our expunger, purifier, and guilt-bearer. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. […]


Before Lights Out and The Presence of God Departs the Nation!

1 Samuel 4 tells the story of one of Israel’s darkest hours. The Philistines had defeated Israel; the priests of God, Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were dead; and the Ark of the Covenant had been captured. After hearing the news of the ark and the priests’ Phinehas’ wife named her newborn son Ichabod, meaning “The […]


God Will No Longer Tolerate Our Golden Calves

Many years ago, David Wilkerson wrote an article called, “Your Sin will find you out,” where he said that God would not wink at sin. I also believe the Lord, though full of longsuffering, grace, and mercy, can not and will not continue to wink at what is being paraded and peddled before us in […]


The Response – Why I Am Involved!

Dear Friend,
I have been asked why I am participating with and will attend The Response at Reliant Stadium in Houston on August 6th.
Please take the time to read through my letter, which should help answer this question. I hope that you will use your…


A Strategic Response to Joel 2

The Response: Five Strategic Steps and Four Areas of Preparation Joel 1:14 & 1:13 The Five Strategic Steps Joel 1:14   Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. God has five-steps He […]

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