- Doug Stringer - https://www.dougstringer.com -

The Response – Why I Am Involved!

Dear Friend,
I have been asked why I am participating with and will attend The Response at Reliant Stadium in Houston on August 6th.
Please take the time to read through my letter, which should help answer this question. I hope that you will use your
influence to help spread the word and mobilize a broad denominational, ethnic and regional appeal to this potentially
historic and unusual gathering.

To continue reading this letter in PDF please CLICK HERE [1]

I invite you to visit the following links to learn more about this gathering and join us to pray for our Nation.

What is a Solemn Assembly [2]

A strategic response to Joel 2 [3]

www.theresponseusa.com [4]

Personal letter from Doug Stringer: Why I am Participating With & Will Attend The Response in Houston, August 6th [1]

Doug Stringer
Founder and President,
Turning Point Ministries International,
Somebody Cares America/International