• Buddy Up & Stand Courageous

    Be a man for Jesus!

  • Press In. Press On.

    Change the Narrative.

  • Light of the World

    The Word Dwells Among us!

  • The King is summoning us!

    Are we responding like Esther or Vashti?

Dr. J. Doug Stringer
Founder and President,
Somebody Cares
America / International

Dr. J. Doug Stringer is founder and president of Somebody Cares America/International, a network of organizations around the globe impacting their communities through unified grassroots efforts. Doug began identifying community needs through his work in the inner-city of Houston, Texas in 1981.


God Will No Longer Tolerate Our Golden Calves

Many years ago, David Wilkerson wrote an article called, “Your Sin will find you out,” where he said that God would not wink at sin. I also believe the Lord, though full of longsuffering, grace, and mercy, can not and will not continue to wink at what is being paraded and peddled before us in […]


God Has Not Forgotten You

by Doug Stringer In the past several weeks, a message has been burning in my heart for you: God has not forgotten you! He is standing over His Word, ready to bring it to pass in your life. Even when your present circumstances look bleak, God’s thoughts toward you are of good and not evil, […]



As I come to new crossroads in life, I think of many things. I think of yesterdays and years gone by. I think of tomorrows to come and investments in lives yet to make. Oh, how my heart aches for the multitudes shipwrecked in the seas of despair that need to know that somebody cares. […]


Courageous Visionaries

We live in a world of complexities and challenges. We need men and women with courageous and visionary leadership, who can see a larger perspective and picture in life, even when short sighted and selfish people only see a world that revolves around themselves. Doug Stringer