Much is shifting in the heavenly and earthly realms this past few days. There is a culmination and collision of spiritual and physical proportions this weekend. We must have a posture of humilty, restore the altars of worship and expectation. We are in a critical window of global impact.
On Friday night, 9/11/09 I shared a message on the Collision of Religions and Cultures and that we are on a Cusp of transition, especially beginning at sundown Friday night, 9-18-09. We posted it on and Earlier today (9-17-09) we hosted a gathering of pastors and emerging generational leaders, where I layed out a Gathering of the Nations and Harvest Awakening strategy for Houston and beyond…as well as sharing the critical significance of no longer pushing our snooze buttons. We have already received Wake Up Calls and have been pushing our snooze buttons too many times. I will share with more with our Friday night study at the Turning Point and Somebody Cares Houston office on 9/18/09.
I have been in conversation with people with various agencies, including representatives from police depts.. Houston, in particular Harris County, is considered a T1 area. It is the largest County in Texas and the third County in U.S. It is the only County that has all 9 Critical Infrastructures of potential threat that have national and global consequences. Earlier this week we were informed that there has been an alert out to peace officers to be on higher lookout for car bombs, and you may have seen the increase of federal agencies proactively seeking out possible terrorist suspects in the U.S. this week.
I believe the collision of the cultures and religions is culminating first in heavenly and spiritual realms, then manifesting itself in the earthly and physical realms. The spiritual battle between radical Islam and Judaism is literally coming to a head tomorrow and Saturday. Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting and prayer (more focused and fervent than ever) began August 22 and will conclude Saturday, Sept. 19th (depending what part of globe). The beginning of the Jewish new year begins at sundown Friday, Sept. 18th. There is no coincidence spiritually that we are on a cusp of finality and newness.
The number 9 represents Finality or Judgment. It also marks the completeness or conclusion of a matter. It represents the conclusion of pregnancy and the newness of birth. There is a literal overlap… the conclusion of one into the beginning of another. We are in the cusp and seasons of change… even some drastic changes.
It is not a time to withdraw in fear or apprehension, but in courage with expectation. Our expectation is not in man, but in the Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. To borrow from a portion of a quote by John Wesley, … â€may we fear nothing but God and hate nothing but sin.”
I am believing and praying for the veil of deception to be removed over the multitudes that are blinded spiritually, while praying for the breaking down of the dam and blockages hindering the free flow of the rivers of the living God. The Lord (or Master) of Breakthroughs shall break open as a flood of waters. Revelation 22 and Ezekiel 47 remind us of the power of the Rivers that flow from the Mercy Seat… the Throne of Grace of God. It brings salvation, healing and deliverance everywhere it goes… first in us and then through us. In fact, Revelation says it will be a HEALING to the NATIONS.
The book of Joel says “Spare Your people, O Lord… Why should they say among the peoples (nations), Where is their God? The nations are already gathered in Houston region. May they recognize the living God that brings salvation, healing and freedom… bringing healing to the nations.
We are literally in the transition and cusp of change. The conclusion and finality, yet in the beginning and birthing of a new season. Will transforming revival come by shaking (Isaiah 2) or by birthing (Micah 4)?
May we quit pushing our Snooze Buttons, awaken from our sleep, and let the His light shine brightly through us. May we be the conduits of the living Rivers of the Lord that flow from His Presence (His Mercy, Love and Grace Seat), bringing salvation, healing, liberation and freedom… To the Nations.
Join with me to pray for individual Heart Awakenings, corporate Church Awakenings… that become an outpouring and Harvest Awakening! We must restore the Altars of personal reflection and repentance for times of refreshing. So, that we can restore the altars of genuine Worship with Expectation for His manifest Presence.
We cannot experience the Presence and Power of Pentecost in the Upper Room, if we do not first take the posture of humble intercession on our knees at the cross of Christ. We need a fresh revelation of the Work of the Cross and the Power of the Resurrection! We need a fresh anointing of Holy Spirit!
I cannot emphasize more strongly, the importance of our corporate agreement in prayer and tangible expressions of Christ love in action. To join with me or to hear more, please go to or
We will be posting regularly podcasts, video clips and messages, revival tools, ProvokAthoughts and prayerAthoughts. We need an intervention from heaven like never before.
Humbly, your fellow servant in Christ,
doug stringer