
Reflections and Gratitude this Memorial Day Weekend 2014

By Doug Stringer This Memorial Day Weekend, many will be enjoying time with family at picnics, BBQs, parties, outings, and traveling. May we also remember what Memorial Day is about. Our celebrations are because of all those who have and do serve and sacrifice for our freedoms and liberties everyday. Take time in the midst of […]


Are We Spiritually Prepared & Fit for the Days Before Us?

by Doug Stringer 8-19-2013   In recent weeks, I’ve encountered many within the body of Christ who are going through a process of pruning. I first noticed this occurring in my own life, as well as in the ministries I oversee. But I also began to hear from many others who were going through similar […]


“Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done” JESUS

Has there come a time in your life when the revelation of Jesus and His work on the cross became so real that you desired to yield yourself fully to His will? Perhaps you once recited the Lord’s Prayer with shallow platitudes and religious incantations, then the words began to take life within you. Your […]


2013 Holocaust March of Remembrance Houston – Come Participate!

I would like to invite you to participate in the 2013 March of Remembrance Houston.  As Honorary Chair of the event, I feel it is important in this specific point in time in our nation’s history that we as the church come together to speak out against the rise of anti-semitism and death spirit that […]



The Great Exchange Perhaps you are still asking yourself: Is what Jesus did on the cross 2000 years ago really pertinent to me today? Many professing Christians evidence little excitement or appreciation for the work of Christ on the cross. If you could place a hidden camcorder in most churches, you would see lots of […]


Back to Basics: A 2013 New Year’s Resolve

Around this time of year we hear all about resolutions. As people look toward the future, they want to resolve (meaning, to come to a firm decision), to change things for the better. Most resolutions people make for a new year have to do with getting back to basics. Whether it’s their diet, health, habits, […]


Jesus, from birth to death, revealed in Leviticus

The Gospel is more remarkable than we could ever imagine!  Christians have usually tasted only a fraction of what the Gospel is meant to provide. This has been described as someone who wades in a shallow stream and thinks he has experienced the depths of the ocean. As Paul encouraged the Ephesians, we serve a […]


It’s Time! A Revival Preparation Message

Revision of Original article by Doug Stringer, November 1996, in advance of 40 Days at Houston Prayer Mountain “When God finds someone with courage to pray, preach, and live a life before Him of holiness and compassion, He can literally change the face of a nation.” (Winkie Pratney, Revival, p. 117) What is required on […]


The Lost Art of Honor

“What a surprise! This was totally unexpected and as far as we can remember, something like this hasn’t been done before,” the pastor remarked. We recently hosted a Golden Towel Awards luncheon to honor some of the leaders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the week of America for Jesus. This national prayer gathering was comprised of […]


Salty Christians

SALT COVENANT – SALTY CHRISTIANS by doug stringer   Salt is an essential micronutrient for our bodies. Many of our internal chemical processes are dependent upon the presence of adequate amounts of salt. Without a proper intake of salt, many of our body’s functions would be thrown into utter disarray. Our muscles would start cramping, […]

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