• Buddy Up & Stand Courageous

    Be a man for Jesus!

  • Press In. Press On.

    Change the Narrative.

  • Light of the World

    The Word Dwells Among us!

  • The King is summoning us!

    Are we responding like Esther or Vashti?

Dr. J. Doug Stringer
Founder and President,
Somebody Cares
America / International

Dr. J. Doug Stringer is founder and president of Somebody Cares America/International, a network of organizations around the globe impacting their communities through unified grassroots efforts. Doug began identifying community needs through his work in the inner-city of Houston, Texas in 1981.


provokAthought-July 17, 2012

Living Between Two Kingdoms! Which world view do we choose? “And Elijah…said, ‘How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him.’ But the people answered him not a word.” Even our silence can be deafening & exposes which world we choose.


Before Lights Out and The Presence of God Departs the Nation!

1 Samuel 4 tells the story of one of Israel’s darkest hours. The Philistines had defeated Israel; the priests of God, Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were dead; and the Ark of the Covenant had been captured. After hearing the news of the ark and the priests’ Phinehas’ wife named her newborn son Ichabod, meaning “The […]


The Church at a Crossroads-Which Side Are We On?

A longtime friend, Bubba, used to be in a band called, “The Hope of Glory,” which was quite popular in the ’70s & ’80s. The lyrics in one of their songs still play in my head, and I believe still ask a question of great relevance today: “Which side are you on boys, which side […]


Before The Lamp Goes Out & The Glory Departs the Nation

Before Lights Out & The Presence of God departs in the Nation! doug stringer 1 Samuel 4 tells the story of one of Israel’s darkest hours. Israel had been defeated by the Philistines, the priests of God were dead, and the ark of the covenant had been captured. After hearing the news of the ark […]