
Crown of Thorns for Crown of Life

The sign in the tomb reads, “HE IS NOT HERE – FOR HE IS RISEN!” Each time I’ve visited Jerusalem, I’ve gone to the empty tomb. When leaving the tomb the inscription on the door says “He is not here, for He is risen,” as you can see in the video above. Throughout the Middle […]


Plagues, Passover & The Power of the Cross

Jesus, our Passover Lamb, grants us bold access into the Presence, Protection, and Peace of God by Doug Stringer In Exodus 12, Moses and Aaron speak to Pharaoh and say, “Let my people go.” Yet he keeps denying them even through all the plagues. Before the final plague, which is a plague of death, God […]


Discernment to Rise Above

In late October of 2019, I had a vivid dream that stirred my spirit. It was a bit disturbing and unsettling. In the dream, I was invited to do some sort of invocation before the men and women of Congress. I remember thinking to myself, “I don’t know if I want to share what is […]


The Word Works!

At the National Prayer Breakfast in 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced that the year had been declared National Year of the Bible. He had been authorized to do so by a Senate joint resolution, which cited that the Bible has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation. […]


The Tragedies of Covetousness: The Golden Rule Part 4

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used the commandments prohibiting murder and adultery to illustrate the truth that obedience begins in the heart. The religious leaders of his day didn’t understand this truth; they believed a person was obeying God if he simply refrained from committing the physical acts of murder, adultery, and stealing. […]


Don’t Believe the Lie: The Golden Rule Part 3

In my recent articles, we’ve been exploring how the Golden Rule can be lived out by following the spirit of each of the 10 Commandments. The first three commandments speak to our posture before God, the fourth commandment focuses on the Sabbath rest that God wants to give us, while commandments five through ten detail […]


What’s Yours? The Golden Rule Part 2

When God gave the Children of Israel the 10 Commandments, it was out of His great love for them. In His great knowledge He was steering His people away from destructive lifestyles and into a life of blessing and peace. As we look at the 8th commandment, “You shall not steal,” it is important to […]


A Lost Way: The Golden Rule Part 1

Growing up you may have heard The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” What you may not know is that The Golden Rule came from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 7:12 says, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for […]


SPIRIT OF THE COMMANDMENTS: Grace in the Law, Mercy in the Truth

A few years ago, I met and ministered with Stephan Tchividjian, the eldest grandson of Billy Graham at a banquet for a ministry in Hill Country, Texas. Stephan often says, “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.” His words really resonated with me. When God gave His law to the people of Israel, He clearly explained […]


Land of Paradoxes

We live in a land of paradoxes. In one part of a city, a small group meets in a neighborhood church to study the spiritual import of the pomegranates on Aaron’s robe, while in an elementary school across town the Ten Commandments are being removed from the wall where they have resided since 1965.  On […]

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