
One Voice, Many Colors, and the Asian American Role: Can the Church Find Unity of Purpose in Time to Heal the Nation?

by Doug Stringer Our nation, as well as the Church, is in a critical transition amidst a seemingly increasing global crisis. We’re facing the consequences of eroding social and moral values, thus our foundations are cracked, both institutionally and spiritually. At a time when we need a unity of heart and spirit, it seems there […]



by Doug Stringer 4-2-2015 We are living in the time that has come. We continue to see the escalation and acceleration of human depravity and crisis. There seems to be an increasing disregard for the love of truth. In fact, the Apostle Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 that some would be given to an […]


An Unlikely Spark for Revival

An Unlikely Spark for Revival by Doug Stringer (4-2-2015) Some fires begin with just a spark. In the mid-1940s, in Waco, Texas, one such spark ignited a movement out of the Baylor University campus and its effect can still be seen on the spiritual landscape in Waco today. On Palm Sunday 2015, nearly 70 years […]


Courageous Manhood: A Spiritual Breed of Godly Men

Last year on Father’s Day my daughter gave me a card that read, “On Father’s Day, the world revolves around you. Tomorrow, it can go back to revolving around me, thus restoring balance and harmony to the universe.” Then she wrote, “I love you daddy! You’re so handsome, mommy agrees! You’re an awesome father! I […]


The Dual Seasons of Warning and Harvest

Much attention has been given in the Church, as well as in the media, to the “blood moon” that occurred during the recent Passover/Easter season. This blood moon, along with the three other lunar eclipses scheduled to occur during Jewish feasts in 2014-2015, has fueled conversation about whether we are entering into a new season […]


Reflections and Gratitude this Memorial Day Weekend 2014

By Doug Stringer This Memorial Day Weekend, many will be enjoying time with family at picnics, BBQs, parties, outings, and traveling. May we also remember what Memorial Day is about. Our celebrations are because of all those who have and do serve and sacrifice for our freedoms and liberties everyday. Take time in the midst of […]


Back to Basics: A 2013 New Year’s Resolve

Around this time of year we hear all about resolutions. As people look toward the future, they want to resolve (meaning, to come to a firm decision), to change things for the better. Most resolutions people make for a new year have to do with getting back to basics. Whether it’s their diet, health, habits, […]


Jesus’ Emancipation & Perfect Sacrifice!

The Perfect Sacrifice Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, sin and temptation have produced a constant battleground in this world. What started as life in a beautiful garden was quickly turned into an existence characterized by sweat and tears. Peace was replaced by pain. Provision was replaced by poverty. Harmony was replaced by […]


Medical Description of Christ’s Crucifixion

Here is a medical description of Christ’s crucifixion from my book “Born To Die…that we may live.”  As we celebrate this Christmas, may we be reminded of the Greatest of All Gifts: We all know the song, it might even be one of your favorite Christmas carols: “We three kings of orient are bearing gifts […]


It’s Time! A Revival Preparation Message

Revision of Original article by Doug Stringer, November 1996, in advance of 40 Days at Houston Prayer Mountain “When God finds someone with courage to pray, preach, and live a life before Him of holiness and compassion, He can literally change the face of a nation.” (Winkie Pratney, Revival, p. 117) What is required on […]

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