
The Lost Art of Honor

“What a surprise! This was totally unexpected and as far as we can remember, something like this hasn’t been done before,” the pastor remarked. We recently hosted a Golden Towel Awards luncheon to honor some of the leaders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the week of America for Jesus. This national prayer gathering was comprised of […]


Who Will Save America? Samuels Arise!

by Doug Stringer  9/10/12 Recently, I published an article titled Before The Lights Go Out and the Presence of God Departs the Nation (published by Charisma as “Is the Glory of God Departing from US?”), which paralleled our current cultural climate with the time in Israel’s history described in 1 Samuel 4. During this period […]


Samuel Generation, Arise!

A Samuel Generation to Save America & Reconfirm God’s Covenant: Samuel was instrumental to the reconfirming of God’s covenant with Israel following Hophni and Phineas’ destructive leadership tenure. Samuel represented a new generation—a righteous priesthood to replace that which was profaned. He was an uncompromised, prophetic voice of courage used by God to call the […]


In The Name of Liberty

I had the pleasure of meeting and ministering with Stephan Tchividjian (eldest grandson of Billy Graham) when he spoke at the annual vision dinner for Hill Country Daily Bread near San Antonio, Texas a few years ago. He often says, “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.” This explains what we see happening more and more […]


Humpty Dumpty: A Lesson to Learn

There is many a lesson we can learn from this nursery rhyme: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” Psalm 20:7 reminds us not to put our trust in the power of man: “Some trust in chariots, and […]


Jesus, Our Guilt Bearer & Expunger

“Expunge” means to erase or strike out, to eliminate completely, to annihilate. The Sin Offering referred to in the book of Leviticus, is the fourth type of offering described. It depicts Jesus as our expunger, purifier, and guilt-bearer. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. […]


The Church at a Crossroads-Which Side Are We On?

A longtime friend, Bubba, used to be in a band called, “The Hope of Glory,” which was quite popular in the ’70s & ’80s. The lyrics in one of their songs still play in my head, and I believe still ask a question of great relevance today: “Which side are you on boys, which side […]



Ezekiel addresses the Princes, Pastors, Prophets, Politicians & People of the nation. If we are to see the Restoration of the nation, then it must start with us being honest with ourselves & with God. Are we willing to reconfirm our covenant commitments? Jeremiah says if we are, then we could Call upon Him & […]


notes for “Before The Lights Go Out & The Presence of God departs.”

I’m working on a new article to go with my series on The State of the Nation, “Before the Lights Go Out & the Presence of God departs”. Here are some notes I jotted down today for it. Hopefully I will add more on my blog the next few days on DougStringer.Com “It is without […]


Sober reflection & gratitude this July 4th

Reflecting on this July 4th, I’m reminded of how much I have to be grateful for. Many will greet one another with a “Happy 4th of July”, will display flags, have BBQ’s, picnics, attend parties & of course watch the magnificent displays of fire works. I wonder though, just how many will actually comprehend the […]

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